Aside Archives

Lecturer of the Department of Sociology Bakhanov O. and student of 3rd year Zaets  Olga and Mikhailyuk Mary April 22, 2021 issued a report “CURRENT TRENDS IN IDENTITY UKRAINIAN YOUTH IN UKRAINE AND POLAND: DURING THE INTRODUCTION universities DEVELOPMENT family relations and formation of religious identity” in the scientific discussion within the International scientific-practical conference “Identity and social cohesion in Central and Eastern Europe” organized by the South and Lviv regional branches of the SAU.

“School of Young Sociologist, Conflictologist, Mediator” Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute  with YMCA Ukraine invites you to the conference: Zoom.
April 23, 2021 from 17.00-18.30.
Training discussion from the People’sDeputies of Ukraine, PhD in political science Nella Yakovleva and political scientist, PhD in political science Andriy Baginsky – How to achieve objectives and win world peace (April 23, 2021)
Join the conference Zoom: