Seminars 2017

Prem Mahadevan – Senior Scientist in Science of the Center for Research in Security Studies (CSS). Lecture on the topic “Insurrection of the separatists in the province of Punjab (individual research of conflict resolution)”. The lecture was held in the Academic Council Hall for the NTUU “Igor Sikorsky KPI”, 13 December 2017.
Hideya Matsuzaki is a researcher at the Center for Slavic and Eurasian Studies at the University of Hokkaido. Open lecture on “Separation of Power and Peacebuilding: Does Territorial Autonomy Contribute to the Survival of Multiethnic Nations?” The lecture was held at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology and Law, KPI. Igor Sikorsky on December 6, 2017.

Sille Bern Jensen is a project assistant for the international NGO Red Cross and deputy head of the Danish Center for Conflict Resolution. Lecture on the topic: “Youth and volunteers as factors in conflict resolution and social cohesion” October 25, 2017 at  the Igor Sikorsky KPI.

Monica Eppinger, Associate Professor of Law, University of St. Louis (USA). Open lecture on the topic: “History, future and power (authority) in Ukraine” on September 22, 2017 at  the Igor Sikorsky KPI.

Mikhail Alekseev – Professor of Political Science, University of San Diego (USA) with an open lecture on “Conflicts and support for democracy: according to the results of surveys in Ukraine in 2016” June 27, 2017 at the Igor Sikorsky KPI.

Michael Otten is an intern at the Fulbright Program in Ukraine (USA) with an open lecture on “Comparative Assessment of the Conflicts in Ukraine and Georgia” on June 27, 2017 at the Igor Sikorsky KPI.

Photo report and video lecture by Marcel Röttig, Director of the Regional Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation “Dialogue Eastern Europe” on the topic: “27 years after German unification. Differences and inequalities between East and West ”, which took place on April 27 in the Hall of the Academic Council at the Igor Sikorsky KPI.

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Photo report and video lecture of the French historian Eric Onoble: “100 years after the Revolution of 1917: the view of the French historian”, which took place on April 26 in the Hall of the Academic Council at the Igor Sikorsky KPI.DSC_0198 DSC_0229 DSC_0260 DSC_0283 DSC_0303 DSC_0305 DSC_0307 DSC_0315 DSC_0330 DSC_0342 DSC_0393 DSC_0404 DSC_0418 DSC_0423 DSC_0435 DSC_0436

Photo report and video lecture by Maxim Gatzkov on the topic: “Project of European Integration: decrepit empire instead of federation?”, Which took place on April 21 in the Hall of the Academic Council at the Igor Sikorsky KPI.

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Photo report and video seminar: “International labor standards, their implementation and compliance”, organized by the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology and Law in conjunction with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, which took place on February 28, 2017 in the hall of the Academic Council at the Igor Sikorsky KPI.

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