Maksym Yenin

Maksym Yenin
Position: Associate Professor of Sociology Department.
Teacher’s page
Academic title: Associate Professor (2013).
Scientific degree: PhD in Sociology (Candidate of Sociological Sciences) (2009).
Topic of dissertation: «Modernization discourse of elite groups in modern Ukraine».
Education: sociologist, lecturer of sociology, PhD in Sociology (National University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv, 2009).
In 2013 was issued academic rank of the associate professor of sociology by the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
Phone: +380953246408.

2000-2005 Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, specialty «Sociology».
Postgraduate studies
2005-2009 Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.

Bachelor: «Introduction to the sociological profession», «Sociological studies of social structures, organizations and management», «Sociology of deviant behavior», «Sociology of public opinion and mass media».
Master: «Sociological Studies of Migration and Forced Resettlement», «Sociology of War and IDPs».
Postgraduate course: «Transformation of social and scientific knowledge».

Scientific interests:

  1. Modernization discourse of elite groups.
  2. Interregional contradictions in Ukraine.
  3. Ideological transformations of modern societies.
  4. Reforming higher education in Ukraine.
  5. Value orientations, problems and expectations of Ukrainian youth.
  6. War in socio-political and scientific discourse.
  7. Network communications, social and digital inequality.

Scientific profiles:

Google Scholar:
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3835-2429
Scopus Author ID: 57205554594
Web of Science Researcher ID: I-6305-2017

 Internships, advanced training courses and certificates

Advanced qualification from the course «International projects: writing, submission, implementation» at the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (2024).

Passed basic training under the program «Basic skills of a mediator» at the NGO «Mediation School», 120 hours (2023).

Advanced qualification from the course «Fundamentals of innovative entrepreneurship» at the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (2023).

Participation in the international educational online project «Global Case Study Challenge». Jointly with The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria) and ATHENA European University (Alliance of 9 European Universities) (2023).

Internship at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena in Germany. Scientific research on the topic: «Improving ways to develop human capital as a factor in increasing Ukraine’s mobilization potential» within the framework of the German-Ukrainian university project «German and European Studies» (2019).

English language training course at the British Council (Ukraine) (2018-2019).

Practical experience, expert and public activity.

YMCA World Alliance (2017-2018).
Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) (2014–2016).
Grant for young scientists of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: «Improving ways of developing human capital as a factor in increasing the mobilization potential of Ukraine» (2017– 2020).
Guarantor of the bachelor educational program «Conflict Resolution and Mediation» in specialty 054 «Sociology».
Expert of the National Research Fund of Ukraine (NFDU).
Member of the scientific and methodical commission of KPI named after Ihor Sikorsky, specialty 054 «Sociology».
Member of the project group of the educational and scientific program of the third level of higher education in the specialty 054 «Sociology» (qualification «Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology»).
Member of the project group of the master’s educational and scientific program «Analytics of social data» in specialty 054 «Sociology».
Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv branch of the Sociological Association of Ukraine (Kyiv-SAU).
Deputy Head of the Department of Sociology for Scientific Work.
Member of the editorial board of the journal «Sociological Studies» (International professional publication. Category «B», database «Index Copernicus»). URL:
Member of the editorial board of the journal: «Bulletin of the National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute». «Politology. Sociology. Law» (Category «B», database «Index Copernicus International»). URL:

Participation in sociological research projects:

Innovative Business Strategies in Response to COVID-19’s Impact on Tourism: A post COVID tourism resilience and regenerative framework (Project of Guangzhou international sister universities) (2022–2023).
Value orientations, problems and expectations of Ukrainian youth (within the global sociological project of the YMCA World Alliance «One million voices – 2», with the assistance and support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports) (2017-2018).
Audit of the activities of State Company «Energoatom» on social issues regarding personnel and the population during the implementation of the Comprehensive (consolidated) program for improving the safety of power units of nuclear power plants of Ukraine and the Plan of environmental and social measures (2015, 2018, 2021).
The humanitarian needs of the residents of Donbass (charitable foundation of Rinat Akhmetov «Help») (2014–2015).
Political parties and the population during the election campaign: the context of a big city (2012).
The relations of the East and the West of Ukraine: actors, interests, values (2007).

Awards and achievements

Special award at the competition of the Sociological Association of Ukraine and the Sociological Center named after N.V. Panina «The Best Young Sociologist of 2017» (III prize-winning place).
Acknowledgments of the vice-rector for educational work of KPI named after Ihor Sikorsky for professional and objective work as part of the jury of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty «Sociology» in 2017, 2018 and 2019.
Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National University «Odesa Law Academy» to a member of the jury for significant contribution to the organization and holding of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in the specialty «Political Science» (May 29-31) on the basis of the National University «Odesa Law Academy» (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1313 of November 28, 2018).