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Вітаємо наших студентів першокурсників #кпісоціології з тим, що ви зробили правильний вибір на шляху до підкорення Всесвіту ) Ну або в тому напрямку, який Вас інтригує.

Visit the new website of the World Inequality Lab:
You will find links to various projects: World Inequality Database, Transparency Index, Income Comparator, World Political Clevages & Inequality Database, Missing Profits, Tax Simulator, etc.
More to come!

As part of the course “Sociology of Deviant Behavior” for students of FSP began a course of lectures by Professor of Sociology at the University of Milliken (USA) Kenneth Laundra
Date and time: Every Wednesday at 18 00 from 01.09 to 03.11.2021.
Join the link:
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Weekly: Join Zoom Meeting

The relative decline of US imperialism
Interesting approach to the relationship between economic power and foreign policy