Category Archives: Без категорії

In The Anthropology of Epidemics, editors Ann H. Kelly, Frédéric Keck and Christos Lynteris curate a collection that provides insight into how ethnographic studies of epidemics might challenge the central assumptions of not only anthropology, but social theory writ large. The volume offers a rich exploration into how, and to what end, ethnographic attention to epidemics can extend social theory today, writes Sophia Goodfriend.
Book Review: The Anthropology of Epidemics by Ann H. Kelly, Frédéric Keck and Christos Lynteris
A survey of new shifts within the world’s vast ‘in-between’ classes and their contrasting trajectories in North and South. How should their theorization—or ideologization?—by development economists and financial journalists be read?
A survey of new shifts within the world’s vast ‘in-between’ classes and their contrasting trajectories in North and South. How should their theorization—or ideologization?—by development economists and financial journalists be read?
Göran Therborn, Dreams and Nightmares of the World’s Middle Classes, NLR 124, July–August 2020

З Днем Державного прапора України!

Шановні колеги!
Сьогодні вшановуємо один із символів Української Держави — Синьо-Жовтий Стяг. Цього дня 1991 року, вперше за десятиліття зневаги й заборон, народні депутати урочисто внесли до Верховної Ради України національний прапор. Continue reading З Днем Державного прапора України!